

Personal development coaching shifts your mindset to a more positive place allowing you to focus on your aspirations and lead a fuller, happier life.

“Energy follows focus,
what we focus on expands.”

Humans are resistant to change. Left to our own devices we often revert to old thinking patterns which lead us to safety and within our comfort zone. Self-discipline is required to sustain meaningful changes or create the results we want. At Arden we will challenge your way of thinking, keep you accountable to your aspirations in life and raise your awareness to what is possible. We provide the space to clear your mind, process your emotions and keep your eyes firmly on the results you would like to achieve.

If you are looking to gain clarity and make significant changes in your life but don’t know where to start, we will coach you forward in the right direction.

The 6-week programme will help you identify what’s been leaving you stuck and together we will weed out the old stories and conditioning and work with you to take back control and lead a life filled with passion and purpose.

“Starve your distractions,
feed your focus.”

Let go of limiting beliefs and start creating the future you want to live, your potential is limitless.
These sessions can take place over zoom or in person and include:


  • 6 X 60 minute 1 to 1 sessions over an 8 week period
  • Actions in between sessions to help you move forward

A successful coaching relationship is built on connection and trust.  The first step is to arrange an initial consultation call (approx. 30 mins).  This will also give us a chance to find out where you are right now and what you would like to achieve through coaching.

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